At Welcome Assembly, Children’s Ministry is something that is very close to our heart. Children are not just the church of tomorrow but they are also the church of today! The Bible teaches us that Children are a blessing from God and we believe they are a vital part of our growing church. Our mission is to foster the Love of Jesus in the lives of each Child that we come in contact with, discipling them and helping them build a firm foundation in the Word. During our Sunday Morning worship service our Children’s Pastor’s do a special service geared just for the Children. We also offer mid-week classes for the kids using the Royal Ranger and Mpact Girls Curriculum.

The Royal Ranger’s Pledge
With God’s help, I will do my best to serve God, my church, and my fellowman; to live by the Ranger Code; to make the Golden Rule my daily rule. A Royal Ranger is: ALERT, CLEAN, HONEST, COURAGEOUS, LOYAL, COURTEOUS, OBEDIENT, AND SPIRITUAL.
The Mpact Girls Club Pledge
I pledge allegiance to the girls clubs flag and to the ministry for which it stands; girls united in Christian living, in witnessing, in service, in missions, and in love for others.